Commodore 64 Boxed Sets

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First Over Germany

Bill C. has sent me some nice images for the First Over Germany manual - a game by SSI. Be sure to take a look at this interesting World War II B-17 bomber simulation!

- Rusty
  March 11, 2025

Recent Updates (for February 2025)

Hello everybody! I have been busy making a bunch of smaller changes to the website this past month. Here is a list of what has happened:

- Rusty
  February 27, 2025


Stefano has sent me some great scans of the game Platoon - which I have now added to the site. Take a look - there are so many images of a man being shot in the back that it'll make you want to watch yours! :-)

- Rusty
  February 18, 2025

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I loved the text adventure games from Infocom! I thought they were super fun to play, and quite humorous as well. I started with Zork II, but as time went by the games became more and more complex, and eventually moved on from text-only play to include graphics too. I continued playing them throughout the 1990s on a PC. Funnily enough, I never played The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I did read the novel it was based on. Whether you played the game or read the book (or neither) I still think you'll get a kick out of the package and "feelies" for this wonderful game. Take a look!

- Rusty
  February 13, 2025

The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow

Last year I watched an old American movie, Battle of the Bulge, which came out in 1965. I thought it was an OK movie, but after watching it I read the Wikipedia page for it and found out that it was full of historical inaccuracies. (I guess I shouldn't have been surprised - this is Hollywood we're dealing with after all!) That made me want to scan my copy of The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow that I had. I did so, and have now added those scans to the web site. However, keeping in line with the bad reviews, I see that this game was also panned - this time for its relatively bad graphics and game play. Oh well, you can't win 'em all! At least the package is pretty - so take a look and see what you think.

- Rusty
  January 27, 2025

Pinball Construction Set

When I was young my grandparents had a pinball machine in their basement.  It was so much fun!  I spent hours playing that old, analog machine and really came to love pinball.  (They also had a gumball machine - but that's another story!)  Years later I remember seeing ads for Pinball Construction Set and thinking how much fun it would be to build your own game.  I never got the game when I was younger and in prime Commodore days, but I did buy it on eBay a while ago, and now I have added scans of it to the site! Take a look, and maybe play it - see if you can create the ultimate pinball machine. Enjoy!

- Rusty
  January 22, 2025

Sargon III

Chess - is there a greater board game in the world? I don't think so. I have loved it since I was a small child and my mother taught me to play. When I was a teenager I was ecstatic to finally get a computer chess game and hone my skills while playing against it. Of course that game was Sargon III, and I have now added scans for it to the site. And if you are a chess fan too, then be sure to browse through the user's guide as it comments on many of history's greatest chess games - which are included on the disk!

- Rusty
  January 11, 2025

Jumpman Junior

Happy holiday season everyone!  Many years ago, in the late 1980s, I received a great Christmas present: Jumpman Junior!  I was super excited, for two reasons: First, Jumpan was my favorite game, so I really wanted to give its sequel a try.  And secondly most copies of Jumpman Junior were in the cartridge format - but this one was a disk.  I am not sure why, but back then I preferred disk format to cartridge, so I was happy to finally have this game in the format I preferred.  

Anyway, I have now added scans of Jumpman Junior.  This is from my personal collection, and sadly I long ago got rid of the box for this fine game - so I have only added the manual and disk scans.  Hopefully someday I'll be able to find the box again.  But until then enjoy the manual for this great sequel to a great game!

- Rusty
  December 27, 2024

Dr. Doom's Revenge!

I love comic books - I have since I was a child.  What does that have to do with this site?  Well, I have finally finished my backlog of sets that were sent to me, and have added Stefano's scans of Dr. Doom's Revenge - which includes its own comic book!  Not only that, but the instruction manual is in four languages - so hopefully that will be helpful for some people.  Check it out today!

- Rusty
  December 19, 2024

Rocket Ranger

Hi everyone - I am back with some new scans after a year and a half since the last set was added! This time we have some beautiful scans of Cinemaware's Rocket Ranger interactive movie. Our fine friend Stefano sent these to me a few years ago, and I am finally getting around to adding them to the site. (Sheesh - I really need to speed things up!) Be sure to check out the scans of the Secret Decoder Wheel and see which country Stefano set it to - I'll give you a hint: it is his own beautiful country!

- Rusty
  December 14, 2024

More Privacy and Updated Links

Two new items of note.

First: I have been working to make this site more privacy focused.  As such I have removed all trackers, cookies, ads and affiliate links from the entire site. I figure user privacy is more important than the few bucks I make each year from affiliate links.  Plus I am becoming more and more disgusted by all the ads, cookies and trackers on other web sites, and so I thought I'd make this site an example of what I'd like to see on the web.

Second: I have added, deleted and updated several links in the links section of this site.  If you haven't visited it in a while then take a look at my favorite retro sites listed there.

- Rusty
  November 11, 2024

Responsive Pages and Secure Browsing

OK, a couple of news items:

1. I have completed the transition to responsive pages.  This means that every page on this site now works with (and looks good on) smaller screens - like tablets and mobile phones!  Since so many people browse the web on their phones now-a-days, hopefully this will make their experience better and introduce awesome Commodore 64 games to more people.

2. I have also added a secure, HTTPS option to the site.  This means you can now browse securely and more privately.  Try it out at if your browser is not already using it.

- Rusty
  November 8, 2024

Adventure for CP/M

I have been in the mood for CP/M on the Commodore 128 lately.  Can you tell?! :-)  As such I have been playing around with the old text adventure game known as "Adventure" or "Colossal Cave Adventure", and I finally decided to write a how-to for getting and playing it on the C128.  This is the latest addition to my Commodore 128 CP/M tutorial and is now live. Check it out!

- Rusty
  March 31, 2024

Commodore 128 CP/M tutorial

Now that I have my new page for Commodore 128 stuff, I decided to make a how-to for using CP/M on the x128 emulator.  It has taken me a while, and I'll probably add more to it later, but the first draft is now up on the site.  If you are interested in the CP/M operating system on the C128 then take a look.  (And even though it is specifically for the x128 emulator, the instructions should work on a real C128 with only minor tweaks.)


- Rusty
  March 22, 2024

Commodore 128 Page and More Reponsive Pages

I've added a new section to the site: Commodore 128 Stuff!  It is in the menu now, so take a look.  There are a couple of pages from our site on there, and a few links to other sites as well.  It will be an ongoing project, so be sure to check back once in a while and see if there is anything new.

Also, I am still working on making this entire site responsive.  I have about 95% of the whole site done now, just a few more one-off set pages need to be updated.  If you haven't tried it on your mobile phone then give it a go and see how much nicer it is now!

- Rusty
  March 2, 2024

New Links and Responsive Pages

I have added a couple of new links to some cool Commodore related web sites: "I Still Adore My 64 & 128" and "Commodore Server" Check them out on our links page.

I have also decided that it is time to start making this site responsive, so that users of smaller screen devices like phones and tablets can have a good experience here. That will be a long process to get the whole site changed, but I have updated the main page to be responsive now. Check it out on your small screen today!

- Rusty
  February 11, 2024

Some Old Articles and A New Web Host

I am in the midst of moving over to a new web hosting site.  It has been a lot of work, and in the process I am also moving and cleaning up some other web sites that I host.  As such I have moved a few retro-computing articles here, and you can view them on the articles page.  They are a bit old, so I will be re-doing them eventually, once I am finished with the more important stuff.  In the meantime you can check them out.

- Rusty
  February 4, 2024

Articles and A Book Review

So, in an effort to help keep myself interested in this site, I have added an "articles" section.  You can find it in the menu on the left, and it will list the articles I have written for this site.  The articles will be somehow related to Commodore 8 bit computers, and I am hoping that by writing these I will have an excuse to explore more of the things I love. 

Anyway, the first article is now posted - a review of Bil Herd's latest book: Back into the Storm: A Design Engineer's Story of Commodore Computers in the 1980s. Take a look and see what you think, and remember to check back every once in a while to see what else I am exploring and writing about!

- Rusty
  March 26, 2023

New Sets and PDFs!

I have been busy over the past 10 days!  Here are the new sets and manual PDFs that I have added since the last update:


- Rusty
  March 24, 2023

More Scans and Updates

I am back once again!  It seems that once I get started then it is easier to keep going and add more fun stuff.  Here are the updates I've made in the past couple of weeks:

Be sure to take a look, and while you're doing that I'll add some more things.

- Rusty
  March 14, 2023

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