Latest News
Bill C. has sent me some nice images for the First Over Germany manual - a game by SSI. Be sure to take a look at this interesting World War II B-17 bomber simulation!
- Rusty
March 11, 2025
Hello everybody! I have been busy making a bunch of smaller changes to the website this past month. Here is a list of what has happened:
- News RSS Feed: I have fixed the dates for the News RSS feed, and removed the Feedburner version of the feed. If you would like to be automatically notified whenever I add a news item then please sign up for the feed by using the icon at the top of the News page!
- Links: I cleaned up and added some new items to the links page.
- Image Problems: I have fixed a problem where some thumbnail images wouldn't always load because of "too many requests" errors. Apparently my web hosting provider will only allow so many image requests in a certain amount of time, so I got around that by slowing down the image requests on some pages. It's not a perfect solution, but it is better than not being able to see some images. Please let me know if you experience any image loading problems.
- Missing PDFs: When I updated the site during the past year (to make it more responsive) I accidentally removed code that would allow you to download PDF manuals for some sets. Whoops! I have restored that functionality now.
- Might and Magic Images: One of our awesome users, Bill C., cleaned up the Might and Magic images and sent me the new versions. They look great - and I have replaced the old images with the new ones. He also created a PDF file for the manual. Be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
February 27, 2025
Stefano has sent me some great scans of the game Platoon - which I have now added to the site. Take a look - there are so many images of a man being shot in the back that it'll make you want to watch yours! :-)
- Rusty
February 18, 2025
I loved the text adventure games from Infocom! I thought they were super fun to play, and quite humorous as well. I started with Zork II, but as time went by the games became more and more complex, and eventually moved on from text-only play to include graphics too. I continued playing them throughout the 1990s on a PC. Funnily enough, I never played The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I did read the novel it was based on. Whether you played the game or read the book (or neither) I still think you'll get a kick out of the package and "feelies" for this wonderful game. Take a look!
- Rusty
February 13, 2025
Last year I watched an old American movie, Battle of the Bulge, which came out in 1965. I thought it was an OK movie, but after watching it I read the Wikipedia page for it and found out that it was full of historical inaccuracies. (I guess I shouldn't have been surprised - this is Hollywood we're dealing with after all!) That made me want to scan my copy of The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow that I had. I did so, and have now added those scans to the web site. However, keeping in line with the bad reviews, I see that this game was also panned - this time for its relatively bad graphics and game play. Oh well, you can't win 'em all! At least the package is pretty - so take a look and see what you think.
- Rusty
January 27, 2025
When I was young my grandparents had a pinball machine in their basement. It was so much fun! I spent hours playing that old, analog machine and really came to love pinball. (They also had a gumball machine - but that's another story!) Years later I remember seeing ads for Pinball Construction Set and thinking how much fun it would be to build your own game. I never got the game when I was younger and in prime Commodore days, but I did buy it on eBay a while ago, and now I have added scans of it to the site! Take a look, and maybe play it - see if you can create the ultimate pinball machine. Enjoy!
- Rusty
January 22, 2025
Chess - is there a greater board game in the world? I don't think so. I have loved it since I was a small child and my mother taught me to play. When I was a teenager I was ecstatic to finally get a computer chess game and hone my skills while playing against it. Of course that game was Sargon III, and I have now added scans for it to the site. And if you are a chess fan too, then be sure to browse through the user's guide as it comments on many of history's greatest chess games - which are included on the disk!
- Rusty
January 11, 2025
Happy holiday season everyone! Many years ago, in the late 1980s, I received a great Christmas present: Jumpman Junior! I was super excited, for two reasons: First, Jumpan was my favorite game, so I really wanted to give its sequel a try. And secondly most copies of Jumpman Junior were in the cartridge format - but this one was a disk. I am not sure why, but back then I preferred disk format to cartridge, so I was happy to finally have this game in the format I preferred.
Anyway, I have now added scans of Jumpman Junior. This is from my personal collection, and sadly I long ago got rid of the box for this fine game - so I have only added the manual and disk scans. Hopefully someday I'll be able to find the box again. But until then enjoy the manual for this great sequel to a great game!
- Rusty
December 27, 2024
I love comic books - I have since I was a child. What does that have to do with this site? Well, I have finally finished my backlog of sets that were sent to me, and have added Stefano's scans of Dr. Doom's Revenge - which includes its own comic book! Not only that, but the instruction manual is in four languages - so hopefully that will be helpful for some people. Check it out today!
- Rusty
December 19, 2024
Hi everyone - I am back with some new scans after a year and a half since the last set was added! This time we have some beautiful scans of Cinemaware's Rocket Ranger interactive movie. Our fine friend Stefano sent these to me a few years ago, and I am finally getting around to adding them to the site. (Sheesh - I really need to speed things up!) Be sure to check out the scans of the Secret Decoder Wheel and see which country Stefano set it to - I'll give you a hint: it is his own beautiful country!
- Rusty
December 14, 2024
Two new items of note.
First: I have been working to make this site more privacy focused. As such I have removed all trackers, cookies, ads and affiliate links from the entire site. I figure user privacy is more important than the few bucks I make each year from affiliate links. Plus I am becoming more and more disgusted by all the ads, cookies and trackers on other web sites, and so I thought I'd make this site an example of what I'd like to see on the web.
Second: I have added, deleted and updated several links in the links section of this site. If you haven't visited it in a while then take a look at my favorite retro sites listed there.
- Rusty
November 11, 2024
OK, a couple of news items:
1. I have completed the transition to responsive pages. This means that every page on this site now works with (and looks good on) smaller screens - like tablets and mobile phones! Since so many people browse the web on their phones now-a-days, hopefully this will make their experience better and introduce awesome Commodore 64 games to more people.
2. I have also added a secure, HTTPS option to the site. This means you can now browse securely and more privately. Try it out at if your browser is not already using it.
- Rusty
November 8, 2024
I have been in the mood for CP/M on the Commodore 128 lately. Can you tell?! :-) As such I have been playing around with the old text adventure game known as "Adventure" or "Colossal Cave Adventure", and I finally decided to write a how-to for getting and playing it on the C128. This is the latest addition to my Commodore 128 CP/M tutorial and is now live. Check it out!
- Rusty
March 31, 2024
Now that I have my new page for Commodore 128 stuff, I decided to make a how-to for using CP/M on the x128 emulator. It has taken me a while, and I'll probably add more to it later, but the first draft is now up on the site. If you are interested in the CP/M operating system on the C128 then take a look. (And even though it is specifically for the x128 emulator, the instructions should work on a real C128 with only minor tweaks.)
- Rusty
March 22, 2024
I've added a new section to the site: Commodore 128 Stuff! It is in the menu now, so take a look. There are a couple of pages from our site on there, and a few links to other sites as well. It will be an ongoing project, so be sure to check back once in a while and see if there is anything new.
Also, I am still working on making this entire site responsive. I have about 95% of the whole site done now, just a few more one-off set pages need to be updated. If you haven't tried it on your mobile phone then give it a go and see how much nicer it is now!
- Rusty
March 2, 2024
I have added a couple of new links to some cool Commodore related web sites: "I Still Adore My 64 & 128" and "Commodore Server" Check them out on our links page.
I have also decided that it is time to start making this site responsive, so that users of smaller screen devices like phones and tablets can have a good experience here. That will be a long process to get the whole site changed, but I have updated the main page to be responsive now. Check it out on your small screen today!
- Rusty
February 11, 2024
I am in the midst of moving over to a new web hosting site. It has been a lot of work, and in the process I am also moving and cleaning up some other web sites that I host. As such I have moved a few retro-computing articles here, and you can view them on the articles page. They are a bit old, so I will be re-doing them eventually, once I am finished with the more important stuff. In the meantime you can check them out.
- Rusty
February 4, 2024
So, in an effort to help keep myself interested in this site, I have added an "articles" section. You can find it in the menu on the left, and it will list the articles I have written for this site. The articles will be somehow related to Commodore 8 bit computers, and I am hoping that by writing these I will have an excuse to explore more of the things I love.
Anyway, the first article is now posted - a review of Bil Herd's latest book: Back into the Storm: A Design Engineer's Story of Commodore Computers in the 1980s. Take a look and see what you think, and remember to check back every once in a while to see what else I am exploring and writing about!
- Rusty
March 26, 2023
I have been busy over the past 10 days! Here are the new sets and manual PDFs that I have added since the last update:
- Rusty
March 24, 2023
I am back once again! It seems that once I get started then it is easier to keep going and add more fun stuff. Here are the updates I've made in the past couple of weeks:
- Added scans for Gateway to Apshai set - thanks to Zoltan P. for providing these scans
- Added maps PDF to Ultima 1
- Added clue book offer to Ultima 4
- Added whole map, registration card, quest offer and three more screen shots to Ultima 5
Be sure to take a look, and while you're doing that I'll add some more things.
- Rusty
March 14, 2023
Hello everyone, it has been a long time since I have made any updates to this site... but I am still here and I have recently made a few changes. Here is a list of things that I have done:
I have some more things that I am working on, so be sure to watch for those.
- Rusty
March 5, 2023
I have uploaded the latest scans from Stefano - Infocom's interactive fiction game from 1986: Moonmist. The manuals for this game have some great backstory and beautiful line art - don't miss them!
- Rusty
December 7, 2018
Hello again! I have added 3 new package scans to the Zork III page. These were generously provided by Adam, for which I am very grateful - and I'm sure many other people will be grateful as well! Be sure to take a look.
- Rusty
November 28, 2018
Hello all, we are back again - this time with Stefano's beautiful scans of the EA role playing game: Demon Stalkers. Be sure to check out the very pretty box art and manual.
- Rusty
February 27, 2018
Simon sent me some scans of the Commodore 64 cartridge version of the Bally/Midway arcade classic
Wizard of Wor. I have added those great images to the site, so be sure to check them out!
- Rusty
February 9, 2018
I have spent the last couple of weeks scanning and uploading images for the SSI game
Breakthrough in the Ardennes. It has been fun and interesting going through this old war game which re-creates WWII's Battle of the Bulge. Don't miss the great package artwork, and all the other goodies inside the box!
- Rusty
February 1, 2018
Stefano and Donnie have sent me scans and PDF files for my all time favorite Commodore game:
Ultima V! Ah, I logged many, many hours playing this awesome game in the late 1980s. Anyway, be sure to check out the beautiful art and amazing story line for this fantastic masterpiece!
- Rusty
January 23, 2018
As I was working on adding some images recently, I realized that it was a little bit inconvenient to click the "previous" and "next" links when viewing individual scans - so I changed them! I have made the links into big buttons so they are easier to click, and I have also added the ability to use the left and right arrow keys as well! I think it is much nicer now, but don't take my word for it - give it a try yourself and see what you think. Here is
a good test page from the Wasteland set.
- Rusty
January 12, 2018
Our friend Donnie has provided some new PDFs and replacement PDFs for several sets. Take a look at the new items for
Ultima I,
Ultima II,
Ultima III,
Ultima IV,
Zak McKraken,
Maniac Mansion and
Pirates! Thanks a million Donnie!
- Rusty
January 10, 2018
Hi everybody, after one and a half years we are back with some new scans! This time with Stefano's scans of
Battletech. Enjoy!
- Rusty
January 2, 2018
Hello everyone! It has been a while since I've updated the site, but I have not disappeared! (I've been working on a Masters degree, so that has kept me busy.) Anyway, Stefano sent me some nice scans of the 1984 game
Tir Na Nog, and I have now added them to the site. You can check them out at your leisure!
- Rusty
June 23, 2016
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
I haven't been updating the site much lately because I am working on a graduate degree, but Stefano was nice enough to send in a small set for the Holidays:
Doomdark's Revenge! These are some nice scans, so be sure to take a look.
- Rusty
December 22, 2015
Hey everyone, I have added Stefano's scans
Dragonworld. Take a look at this fantasy game based on a novel!
- Rusty
August 17, 2015
Hi again! Scans for
Windwalker have been posted to the web site. Be sure to check out the great images and deep, mystic wisdom from this Origin gem!
- Rusty
August 3, 2015
Thanks to the good work of Donnie, our web site now has 4 new
Wasteland PDFs available for download. Be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
June 29, 2015
So I have finally added Stefano's scans of
Give my Regards to Broad Street. Take a look at this music-mystery game, and be sure to check out the images of a young Paul McCartney!
- Rusty
June 15, 2015
Hi everybody! I know it has been a while since I updated the site, so I just put up Stefano's great scans of
Silent Service. Be sure to take a look at the this classic Microprose game by none other than the legendary Sid Meier!
- Rusty
June 8, 2015
Scans for
The Guild of Thieves have been added to the site. Stefano sent in some images of this brightly colored and funny boxed set - be sure to check it out... and don't forget to smile!
- Rusty
February 24, 2015
I have added Stefano's latest scans - this time for the classic arcade game
Ms. Pac-Man. I have also added 3 more PDF files that Jeff has created and shared with us:
Battle for Normandy,
Firezone and
Theatre Europe. Be sure to check these out and enjoy the work that these guys have put into making some great scans!
- Rusty
January 26, 2015
Merry Christmas everyone! Stefano has sent us a 3 wargame set featuring scans for
Battle For Normandy,
Firezone and
Theatre Europe. Be sure to take a look at these very cool scans for a few Cold War era games.
- Rusty
December 24, 2014
Hey everyone, Jeff has kindly volunteered to make some PDF documents for our sets that are missing them - woohoo! He starts his work with a new PDF for
Airborne Ranger. Be sure to take a look and his excellent work!
- Rusty
December 23, 2014
OK, so I've finally added the scan set that Stefano sent me back around Halloween time:
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark. This was a great choice for that time of year - so sorry I was late getting it posted. Anyway, now you can enjoy these fine gothic images yourself!
Here's what Stefano had to say about the game: " we are in Helloween times, it only seemed appropriate to me to send you the scans for a (more or less) scary graphic adventure.
The name is "ELVIRA – Mistress of the Dark", and the game itself was very popular in the very early ‘90s due to the…er…well, just take a look at the cover image and judge by yourself :-D
(I even saw Elvira in person at a computer trade show in Milan in 1991!).
Let’s give the devil his due, anyway: the adventure was also an excellent game (with a smart marketing strategy to back it up), with very high marks in many videogame magazines!"
- Rusty
December 13, 2014
Stefano has provided us with a "double-team" scan set:
Speedball and
Speedball 2! There is some great art within these sets - especially Speedball 2. Be sure to take a look, and if you are really ambitious try playing a game of each and see how you do!
- Rusty
November 15, 2014
Scans for
Elite have now been added to the site. Stefano said that this game "has always been hailed as a true work of genius by everybody – they used to say that this game was a reason good enough to buy the Acorn BBC computer." Well, I never played it but that seems like high praise indeed! Wander on over and take a look and the great images that Stefano captured.
- Rusty
October 15, 2014
I have added Stefano's latest scans to the web site:
PHM Pegasus - the warship simulation by Electronic Arts. Be sure to check out the great scans as well as the detailed info cards - good stuff!
- Rusty
August 18, 2014
Hi everyone, I know it has only been two days since the last set was added, but I have just put up Stefano's scans of
Colossal Adventure. This text adventure game is apparently an extended form of the classic
Adventure game - from the mainframe days! Anyway, be sure to take a look at the cool box art and images for this latest set!
- Rusty
July 18, 2014
Stefano has provided us with another great scanned set:
Micro Mud! Mud, of course, stands for Multi-User Dungeon, and this game is one of the earliest examples of a Mud for our good old Commodore 64! Be sure to check out the great scans as well as the Introduction to Mud booklet for a wonderful overview and history of multi-user dungeons!
- Rusty
July 16, 2014
Scans for
Gunship have been added to the site. Be sure to check out all the cool images of this helicopter game that was sent in by Stefano. Enjoy!
- Rusty
June 5, 2014
I have added Stefano's most recent scans:
Superbowl Sunday. Be sure to check out this classic computer game about the classic American sport! The manual even has recaps of the first several Superbowls - which is very cool and totally fun to read!
- Rusty
May 13, 2014
Hey everyone - Steven W. Dalton has created some more excellent PDF files and has graciously shared them with us. Be sure to take a look at the 4 new downloadable files for
- Rusty
May 12, 2014
Scans for
Champions of Krynn have been added to the site. Stefano Peracchi had this to say about the game, "a very popular RPG game set in the wonderful 'Dragonlance' world. I played (and completed) it at least 3 time, both on the C64 and on my PC!" Be sure to check out this awesome game and the wonderful scans Stefano created for it!
- Rusty
March 31, 2014
Steven W. Dalton has created some PDFs for
Beach-Head II and was kind enough to send them to us! Check out the instruction manual as well as the Access Catalog that have been added to our site. Thanks Steven!
- Rusty
March 15, 2014
I have added Stefano's latest scans,
Pole Position, to the web site. Wow - what a fun game... well, at least the arcade version anyway. I spent many quarters on it during my youth - so many, in fact, that when the C64 version finally came out I was too burned out to buy it! It is fun to see the scans of this cool set now, though.
- Rusty
March 1, 2014
Scans for
Frankie Goes To Hollywood have now been added to the site. This is another great set sent in by Stefano. Although I never played this game (or even heard of it) I was familiar with the band's music, especially their super famous song "Relax" So, when you have a minute, why don't you "go to it" and take a look at these great scans!
- Rusty
February 23, 2014
Stefano has once again provided some great scans, this time for
Psytron. I have added these colorful images to the web site, so take a few moments and check them out - especially if you like the color red!
- Rusty
February 7, 2014
I have added the scans for
Echelon to the site. Stefano sent in the images for this 3D space flight simulator, and it has some really cool graphics on the box and in the manual. Take a moment and have a look!
- Rusty
January 20, 2014
Stefano has provided some more beautiful scans, this time of the Mindscape game
Captain Blood. Be sure to check it out!
- Rusty
January 5, 2014
Scans for
Troll have been added to the site. Thanks once again to Stefano for sending in these pics - which include instructions in both English and German.
- Rusty
December 27, 2013
Stefano has generously provided scans for the Infocom circus game
Ballyhoo. I was a fan of Infocom games back in the day, but I never played this one. Take a look at the very cool circus art in the manual, as well as all the "feelies" included in the box!
- Rusty
November 29, 2013
Steven W. Dalton has once again sent us a fine PDF document - this time for the
California Games box and manual. Be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
November 4, 2013
"Atreus" of the FanCA Group sent me some nice scans of
Star Trek, The Rebel Universe - which I have now added to the site. I have always been a big fan of the Star Trek TV series and movies, but I have played very few of the video games. Anyway, be sure to check out the great images that are now available!
- Rusty
November 2, 2013
Scans for the Origin game
Times of Lore have now been added to the site. Although I never played this one, I still enjoy the cool art and books that were included in all of Origin's games! Don't miss these great pics from Stefano!
- Rusty
October 19, 2013
Rob has generously provided a few more scans for
The Seven Cities of Gold page. Take a look at the new scans for full inside binder, EA advertisement and the special offer for Compute! magazine. Thanks Rob!
- Rusty
October 18, 2013
Stefano took some time to create screen shots for the sets which were missing them, and I have finally added them to the site. If you were pining away for some beautiful screens from the days of C64 yore, well here's your chance! Be sure to check out the great, new images in these sets:
Boulder Dash Construction Kit,
Crime and Punishment,
Impossible Mission II,
Koronis Rift,
Oil Barons,
One on One,
Robots of Dawn,
Spy vs. Spy,
The Quest,
The Three Stooges,
Ultima I,
Ultima III,
Ultima IV,
Zork I,
Zork III.
- Rusty
October 14, 2013
I have added scans for
Beach-Head II to our site. This was another of the games donated by Jeff, but I sent this one off to Stefano to be scanned in - and what a fine job he did! Be sure to check out the beautiful images from this sequel game. Also of note: I just barely realized that Access Software was based in Salt Lake City - and was only a few blocks from where I now work! What a small world huh? Too bad I couldn't turn back the clock and go visit them.
- Rusty
September 23, 2013
Marcin "Atreus" Jaworski of the FanCA Group sent me some great scans of
Dungeon Masters Assistant Volume I: Encounters - which I have now added to the site. This is an interesting set which claims to *not* be a game, but an aid to AD&D game play only. Be sure to check out the cool images as well as the FanCA group links!
- Rusty
September 9, 2013
I have finally made some scans of a donated set:
Panzer Grenadier. The box was a little bit too big for my scanner, but I did the best I could. Anyway, this is another war game from SSI and has some pretty cool box art - so be sure to check it out.
- Rusty
August 27, 2013
Scans of
The Sacred Armour of Antiriad have been added to our site. I had never even heard of this game, but Stefano (who generously supplied the scans) had this to say: "It was quite a famous platform game back in 1986, mainly due to the huge map and wonderful graphics.
The scanset is small, but the really interesting bit is the comic strip which introduces the story and is, in my opinion, a really nice touch."
Please take a look and let us know what you think.
- Rusty
August 11, 2013
I have added scans for
Cholo to the web site. Stefano provided these scans, and said that Cholo was "a little known 3-D vector graphics exploration game which was very underrated at the time (1987)." Be sure to stop by and check out the great images!
- Rusty
July 20, 2013
Stefano has sent me some great scans for a super famous classic game:
SimCity! See how the franchise all started with this amazingly addictive game!
- Rusty
June 22, 2013
Scans of
Roadwar Europa have been added to our site. This fun, post-apocalyptic game was provided by Stefano - be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
May 19, 2013
I just added scans of
Maniac Mansion to the web site. This famous game from LucasFilms was scanned and provided by our good friend Stefano. Be sure to take a look at this classic, fun game!
- Rusty
April 21, 2013
Steve sent me a nice PDF file he made from our
Neuromancer scans. I've added it to the site so be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
April 20, 2013
Scans for
MacArthur's War have been added to the site. Be sure to check out the great pictures and beautiful illustrations from this 1988 game. Thanks again to Stefano for providing these!
- Rusty
March 24, 2013
I have added Stefano's scans of the Epyx game
L.A. Crackdown. This strategy game involves making the bust on an Asian drug gang in Los Angeles. It looks really cool - be sure to check it out!
- Rusty
February 10, 2013
I have just finished adding scans for
Fighter Bomber to the site. This is a cool first-person flying game from 1989, and has some great schematics in the manual. Once again thanks to our Italian friend, Stefano, for sending in these images.
- Rusty
January 16, 2013
Scans for
Spy vs. Spy: The Island Caper are now available on our web site. Be sure to check out the manual scans and the PDF document sent in by Scott!
- Rusty
December 28, 2012
Stefano has sent in some special scans for Christmas:
Might and Magic as well as
Might and Magic II! These 2 games from the 1980s were some early examples of role playing games. Be sure to take a look at the cool box art and nice manuals for these classic sets. Enjoy - and thanks Stefano!
- Rusty
December 18, 2012
Def Con 5 scans have been added to the site! This game is sub-titled "Authentic S.D.I. Simulation" and looks like the stuff I used to have nightmares about as a little kid! Anyway, be sure to take a look at the great scans sent in by Stefano.
- Rusty
December 3, 2012
I have finished adding scans for
Morpheus. The great scans for this 1987 game were contributed by Stefano. Have a look and see the awesomeness for yourself!
- Rusty
November 24, 2012
I had 2 different people send me scans for the 1986 game
Portal, which I have finally added to the site. I never played it, but it is a cool sounding interactive fiction game with graphics! Take a look!
- Rusty
October 24, 2012
Wes was kind enough to create some PDF docs for
Ultima III and
Ultima IV - so I've added them to the site. Download and enjoy today!
- Rusty
October 17, 2012
Ultima II scans are now on the site! I am excited because this was the first Ultima game I ever played - and the one that got me hooked on the entire wonderful series. Be sure to check out the beautiful pics of the game that started it all... for me at least.
- Rusty
October 12, 2012
I have added scans for the beautiful
Ultima I! Special thanks to Andy for sending these in. This is one of my all time favorite games, and I definitely encourage you to check it out. However, after receiving the images I learned that they are for the Apple version - but this set is so hard to come by that I'm going to leave them up for now, until I can get the Commodore 64 version.
- Rusty
October 4, 2012
I have added Stefano's scans of the Epyx game
Death Sword. Be sure to check out the scans of this classic game, as well as the Epyx brochure that came with it!
- Rusty
September 8, 2012
I have added Stefano's scans of
Questron to the site. Check out this early RPG game!
- Rusty
September 3, 2012
Scans for
Revs have been added to the web site. These beautiful images are courtesy of the never-tiring Stefano! Be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
July 14, 2012
Stefano sent me some beautiful scans of
Defender of the Crown - which I have just posted to the web site. Don't miss this great artwork!
- Rusty
June 23, 2012
I have added Stefano's latest scans to the web site:
Shadowfire. Here's what he had to say about this game: "the first icon-driven graphic adventure, Shadowfire, which really impressed me back in 1985 or 1986 when I read a review on an Italian videogame magazine." Enjoy!
- Rusty
May 26, 2012
Stefano has sent me some great scans of a set I have been seeking for a long time:
The Bard's Tale. Be sure to peruse the beautiful pics of this classic game!
- Rusty
April 15, 2012
Scott has sent me some great scans of the
Koronis Rift manual. They are now up on the site so be sure to check them out.
- Rusty
March 31, 2012
I have added Scott Stilphen's beautiful scans of the
Boulder Dash Construction Kit manual to the site. Be sure to check them out!
- Rusty
March 24, 2012
I have added Stefano's latest scans to the site:
Make Your Own Murder Party. This is another EA classic with some great cover art - be sure to have a look!
- Rusty
March 17, 2012
Scans for Infocom's murder mystery game
Suspect have been added to the site. Although I never played this one, I loved Infocom games! Be sure to check out the amazing scans from Stefano.
- Rusty
February 26, 2012
I have added scans for
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen San Diego? Thanks to Stefano for sending me these scans of this popular game!
- Rusty
February 12, 2012
Scott has sent me some great scans of the classic
Spy vs. Spy game. They are now on the site so be sure to check them out.
- Rusty
January 21, 2012
Scans for
Last Ninja 3 have finally been added to the site. This is a beautiful set, and completes Stefano's Last Ninja sets. Be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
January 14, 2012
Scans for
Last Ninja 2 have been added to the site. This is the 2nd of Stefano's Last Ninja set - be sure to check it out!
- Rusty
January 7, 2012
I have added scans for
The Last Ninja. This is the first of 3 sets that Stefano sent me - be sure to watch for the other 2 coming soon, and don't forget to check out the images for this incredible game!
- Rusty
December 20, 2011
Teddy was kind enough to send me some scans of the classic Epyx game
Oil Barons. I have added them to the site - take a look and enjoy!
- Rusty
November 30, 2011
Scans for
Panzers East! have now been posted to the web site. A special thanks to Jeff for donating this cool old Avalon Hill game!
- Rusty
November 25, 2011
I have finally added scans for
Norway 1985 - the fourth and final part of the "When Superpowers Collide" series. Be sure to check out this awesome SSI Game!
- Rusty
November 21, 2011
Stefano sent me some great scans of
Starglider - including the 64 page novella! Be sure to check it out.
- Rusty
November 17, 2011
Scans for
One on One: Julius Erving vs. Larry Bird have been added to the web site. Did you ever watch these guys play in the NBA in the 1980s? They were awesome - just like this game!
- Rusty
November 15, 2011
I have posted some great scans of the Epyx game
Robots of Dawn - based on the classic novel by Isaac Asimov. A big thanks to Scott for providing this game and the scans to go with it!
- Rusty
November 9, 2011
Scans for the Origin game
Autoduel have been added to the site. Be sure to check out the cool scans that were donated by TurtleTracks and The Lord of the Flies (from the Lemon 64 Forums.)
- Rusty
October 27, 2011
I have added scans for
Mars Saga. This is another great game from Westwood Associates and Electronic Arts. Be sure to check out the awesome scans sent in by Stefano!
- Rusty
October 25, 2011
I have posted Stefano's great scans for
Lancelot. Although I have never played this game I loved the legend of King Arthur. Check it out today!
- Rusty
September 28, 2011
Scans for
Airborne Ranger have been added to the site. This is another great MicroProse war game. Be sure to check them out, and thanks to Stefano for providing these images!
- Rusty
August 27, 2011
I have posted some really beautiful scans of
Deathlord. Be sure to check out the amazing artwork, and thanks to Stefano for providing these great images!
- Rusty
August 16, 2011
I have added an RSS feed to the News page. Now you can subscribe to my
RSS feed to be notified whenever I add something new to the site. Special thanks to Jose for suggesting this great idea!
- Rusty
June 22, 2011
Scans for
The President is Missing have been added to the site. There is some very cool art in this set! Thanks to Stefano for providing these scans.
- Rusty
June 21, 2011
I have posted some great scans of the beautiful Sir-Tech game
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord. Be sure to check out these awesome pics that were donated by TurtleTracks and The Lord of the Flies (from the Lemon 64 Forums.)
- Rusty
June 20, 2011
Stefano has provided some beautiful scans for's very first
"Special Collection" page. Take a look at the new
Ultimate Play the Game Special Collection to see 9 amazing Commodore 64 games from Stefano's personal collection. Included in the collection is: Blackwyche, Dragonskulle, Entombed, Imhotep, Outlaws, Nightshade, Sabre Wulf, The Staff of Karnath and Underwurlde. Please enjoy this awesome page courtesy of one of our most prolific contributors. Thanks Stefano!
- Rusty
May 27, 2011
Stefano has sent me some beautiful scans of
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon. Be sure to check out these great images!
- Rusty
May 2, 2011
Scans for
John Madden Football have been added to the site. This was the beginning of the famous Madden NFL franchise that is still going today! Be sure to check out the young John Madden in these pictures!
- Rusty
April 15, 2011
Stefano has sent me some screen shots for
Curse of The Azure Bonds, which I have added to the web site. Take a look at this beautiful game!
- Rusty
April 15, 2011
Scans for
Curse of The Azure Bonds have been added to the site - thanks to Manuel for providing these! This makes three SSI D&D packages now available on this site - and they all have some great art. Be sure to check it out!
- Rusty
April 11, 2011
I have added scans for the package and disk of
Zork I. Again, thanks to Brandon for providing these!
- Rusty
April 7, 2011
I have added some more scans to the
Suspended set. Brandon was kind enough to send me the box, tokens and warranty card scans - thank you Brandon! Be sure to check out these nice additions.
- Rusty
April 4, 2011
Stefano has sent me some great scans for
War in Middle Earth, which I have now added to the web site. This set has some gorgeous artwork! Although I never played it, I did enjoy the books in the 1980's. Be sure to check it out.
- Rusty
March 28, 2011
Scans for
Ultima III have been posted to the site. This was another great 1980s game, and part of the awesome Ultima series that was the first to make use of several new gaming elements. Check out the great artwork in this set. (Special thanks to Andre who traded this game with me!)
- Rusty
March 18, 2011
I have posted scans for
Starcross. This was another one of my early C64 favorites - I was big on Infocom adventures! A very fun game, with a cool science fiction idea!
- Rusty
March 10, 2011
I have added Stefano's scans of
The Chessmaster 2000 to the site. I loved playing chess on my Commodore 64, and this game had some of the best cover art - take a look!
- Rusty
March 8, 2011
Scans for the
Zork III manual are now on the web site. This was a great game, and in fact was one of the very first Zork games I ever played. Difficult, but very funny - like most games from Infocom. Be sure to take a look.
- Rusty
March 7, 2011
I have been working hard for the past several weeks to scan in
Pirates! This is a classic computer game by a classic game designer, and one that shouldn't be missed. Why not take a moment and enjoy this great game?
- Rusty
March 4, 2011
I have posted the scans from Stefano's latest contribution -
Alternate Reality: The Dungeon. This is the second part of the Alternate Reality series, and has some great artwork. Take a look!
- Rusty
February 18, 2011
Stefano's scans of
Alternate Reality: The City have been added to the site. This was the first of a planned 7 part series. Unfortunately only 2 were ever released. Take a look at this cool game.
- Rusty
February 11, 2011
I have added scans for
The Quest by Penguin Software. Although I never played this game, it has some great art - and a sense of humor too!
- Rusty
February 8, 2011
Scans for
Baltic 1985: The Corridor To Berlin have been added to the site. This is the 3rd in SSI's popular 1985 games - and has some cool art. Take a look!
- Rusty
February 2, 2011
I have added scans for
The Three Stooges. I received this game when I purchased a set of games off of eBay. Although I have never played it (in fact, I had never heard of it before receiving it!) it has some great box art. Head on over and check it out!
- Rusty
January 28, 2011
Zork II scans have now been added to the site. I was excited to get these, because this was the first Infocom game I ever played! I spent many hours trying all sorts of crazy things, as well as meticulously mapping out the dungeon. Great fun - check it out!
- Rusty
January 26, 2011
I have added scans for Imagic's 1984
Crime and Punishment.
- Rusty
January 13, 2011
Albert sent me some scans for
Impossible Mission 2 manual - and I have now posted them to the site. Enjoy!
- Rusty
January 11, 2011
I have added Stefano's scans of
Risk. Although I never played this game on the Commodore 64, I did play the board game version quite a bit when I was younger. A very enjoyable game - take a look.
- Rusty
January 11, 2011
Stefano has provided some beautiful scans of
Wasteland - which I have now added to the site. This game has some of the coolest box art I have ever seen! Be sure to take a look.
- Rusty
January 7, 2011
Scans for
Gemstone Warrior have been added to the site. Stefano has once again provided some beautiful scans of this set - be sure to take a look!
- Rusty
December 29, 2010
I have added scans for Infocom's text adventure
Suspended. Back in my *original* Commodore 64 days I loved text adventure games from Infocom, and Suspended was one of my favorites! The eerie sci-fi setting kind of creeped me out - but I really enjoyed it. Be sure to check out the manual and map for this great game.
- Rusty
December 26, 2010
Rob was kind enough to send me some great scans of the
Zork I manual, which I have added to the site. Be sure to check out this classic text game.
- Rusty
December 23, 2010
Scans for
The Pawn have been uploaded. Stefano provided scans for this game I had never heard of, but wow - there is some great artwork in it. Be sure to take a look.
- Rusty
December 23, 2010
I have posted scans for
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. Thanks to Stefano for providing the fantastic scans of this awesome game! Be sure to check out this classic game from Lucas Film Games.
- Rusty
December 22, 2010
Scans for
Sherlock have been added. Special thanks to Stefano for once again providing some cool set scans!
- Rusty
December 21, 2010
I have added
Red Storm Rising scans, which were provided by the Stefano. This book and movie were super popular in the 1980's, so be sure to check out the great scans for the game as well!
- Rusty
December 21, 2010
I have added Stefano's scans of
Neuromancer. This is a great looking package! Although I never played the game, I did read the book and really enjoyed it. If you are a fan of cyber-punk then be sure to give this one a try.
- Rusty
December 20, 2010
I received some scans from Albert for
Ultima IV, and I have now put those up on the site. This is a great classic game that I loved playing! There are a ton of scans and loads of great artwork - be sure to check it out.
- Rusty
December 17, 2010
I have added some more of Stefano's great scans - this time
Murder on the Mississippi.
- Rusty
December 14, 2010
I have posted some more scans from Stefano. This time I've put up
Eureka! Be sure to check out the beautiful color artwork - amazing!
- Rusty
December 13, 2010
I have added scans of the Command Summary Card to the
M.U.L.E. page.
Special thanks to Robert for providing these!
- Rusty
December 10, 2010
I have created a new layout for the main boxed sets page. This is the first step toward a bigger overhaul of the site. For most people
the site will remain the same, however, for people who contribute scans I am hoping to make the process easier - both for me and for them. This improvement
will take a while, but hopefully will make a better place for all Commodore 64 fans.
- Rusty
October 5, 2010
Stefano has sent me some very cool scans from The Fourth Protocol, which I have now posted. If you are a fan of spy games then be sure to check these out!
- Rusty
July 30, 2010
I have posted scans for another Dungeons & Dragons game - this time for Heroes of the Lance. And once again a great big thanks to Stefano for providing the scans!
Fare thee well once again,
- Rusty
July 21, 2010
Computer games that allow a person to take on a different role have been popular for a long time. Stefano has sent me some scans of one of those early games, Alter Ego (male version) that I have now posted. Although I never played this game it looks really cool!
Now go forth and alter thyself,
- Rusty
July 19, 2010
During the 1980's I played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons - but it was all of the pencil and paper variety. I always wanted to try SSI's cool line of D & D games, but I never did. Well now I'll get the chance thanks to Stefano's gorgeous scans of Pool of Radiance! Be sure to check them out.
Fare thee well adventurer,
- Rusty
July 16, 2010
The M.U.L.E. scans are becoming quite popular, so I thought I would create a PDF version for people to download. Hopefully this will help people as they play and enjoy this awesome game.
Good luck,
- Rusty
July 15, 2010
Our Italian friend Stefano sent me some more beautiful covers and I have finally posted them. Be sure to check out the excellent scans of Legacy of the Ancients
- Rusty
July 13, 2010
It is finally up - that set that I tried for years to obtain: M.U.L.E. If you haven't played it then do so now! This game is a classic, has awesome music and was ported to many different platforms - including the Nintendo NES system. (Not to mention that it is now somewhat of a collectors item, and cost me a pretty penny to obtain it!) All in all one of the best games for the Commodore 64, of the 1980's, and in video game history.
Now go and learn to hate that machine,
- Rusty
May 6, 2010
I have added scans of RDF 1985, another in SSI's excellent "When Superpowers Collide" series. Special thanks to Jeff from California for his generous donation of this software set (and many others!)
Forward march,
- Rusty
April 14, 2010
Stefano, my friend from Italy, has sent me scans of another beautiful boxed set: The Lords of Midnight by Mike Singleton and Beyond Software. I was unfamiliar with this game, but it looks like a really cool role playing game in the tradition of Ultima. Be sure to check it out - if for no other reason than the beautiful artwok and great manual.
Fare thee well good sir,
- Rusty
March 23, 2010
Hey Dudes and Dudettes - like check out my totally awesome scans of my latest eBay score: California Games! Totally gnarly! And, like, give it a try man if you think your awesome enough for this totally rad game!
Surf's Up!
- Rusty
March 21, 2010
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to check out the latest scanned package: Impossible Mission. Now here is a game that I never played, but always wanted to. It was immensely popular while I was growing up, and it just looked so dang cool! Anyway, thanks to Stefano I can now show off this great game.
- Rusty
March 8, 2010
Well, I am finally done with school and back into the Commodore mood! It has been over a year since I updated this site, but I am back - this time with Summer Games II! Another of my childhood favorites, I used to love playing it with Summer Games for one big, long Olympic session. Special thanks to Stefano for providing some of the scans for this wonderful package.
- Rusty
February 24, 2010
The Telengard pages on seem to be the most popular. As such I have created a PDF version of the Telengard manual that is now available for download. Hopefully this will make it easier for people who need (or want) the manual as a reference while they are actually playing the game. If you download it feel free to let me know what you think.
- Rusty
January 25, 2009
It has been a while but I have finally added another set: Winter Games. This is another great set of scans which was provided by Stefano. I was always a fan of Epyx's Summer and Winter games series, and spent many hours playing them. Take a look at the beautiful international edition box and manual (with the French version too) and don't forget to download the game and try it out - it is loads of fun!
- Rusty
January 21, 2009
The second part of my collaboration effort with Stefano has been added - PITSTOP II. This is another of the great classic Commodore 64 games, and another joystick buster as well! Ah, I have many good memories of competing against my brother in tense races - and I always won of course ;-). A very good game that you should try out, or play just for nostalgia's sake.
Start your Engines!
- Rusty
September 5, 2008
Several weeks ago I was contacted by Stefano Peracchi, an Italian man who wanted to know if he could help out by sending me scans of his Commodore 64 software collection. I was delighted that someone liked my site enough to want to help, and when I heard which sets he had I was more than excited to welcome him into the ranks!
Stefano starts our collaboration efforts with BREAKDANCE, the classic Epyx game. Although I only played it a few times when I was growing up, I still thought it was quite the cool game. I wasn't very good at real life break dancing and I discovered that I wasn't very good at the electronic form either! Oh well, now you can give it a try and see how you do.
Thanks, Stefano, for re-introducing us to this classic game from a great gaming company!
Break a leg
- Rusty
August 23, 2008
I have added another of my eBay purchases: Temple of Apshai. It took me a while but I finally got all of the manual scanned in. Also be sure to check out the early (1983) Epyx brochure and the Temple of Apshai ad from 1984 - both are very cool.
I remember playing this game on my Commodore 64 and being so amazed that it was just like a computerized version of Dungeons & Dragons! I had loads of fun with Temple of Apshai... until I got Telengard!
Happy Hunting
- Rusty
May 13, 2008
I have finally added Archon, another of my favorite Commodore 64 games from my early teenage years. This was my first exposure to any type of battle-chess like game, and I was both amazed and addicted. A very good game that I believe really added to the credibility of both the fledgling Electronic Arts and upstart Free Fall Associates.
The contrast in black and white used through out the packaging and manual was a stroke of inspiration - and one of the most recognizable covers in the Commodore 64 gaming scene.
Good Luck in Battle
- Rusty
March 9, 2008
Another of my recent eBay purchases has been added - Racing Destruction Set. I remember having loads of fun building crazy tracks and then racing around them. I always thought it was cool that you could have ice tracks!
Racing Destruction Set has some great cover art, and it is still really fun to play - don't forget to download the disk images to load into your emulator.
And we're off!
- Rusty
February 8, 2008
Back in the mid 1980's I subscribed to the magazine COMPUTE!'s Gazette - which billed itself as a magazine "For Commodore personal computer users." Well, recently I was able to retrieve and peruse my collection and I came across several reviews and advertisements that I thought were fun and relevant, so I scanned them in and added them to the site.
Be sure to check out the reviews for The Seven Cities of Gold and its sequel Heart of Africa.
Also take a look at the full page advertisements for Summer Games, Jumpman, Skyfox and Heart of Africa.
Many happy memories,
- Rusty
February 3, 2008
I have added the first of my recent eBay purchases - The Seven Cities of Gold.
Although I never played this one in my Commodore 64 days, I have played it recently in the VICE emulator.
The Seven Cities of Gold has some beautiful artwork on the package and in the manual, and was just way too cool to pass up!
I was also able to add a review I found in the magazine COMPUTE!'s Gazette - so don't forget to check that out too.
- Rusty
January 31, 2008
My lack of adding new sets to the site doesn't mean I haven't been busy with it! I have picked up some new sets from eBay, and I'll be adding those soon.
Here's what you can look forward to: The Seven Cities of Gold, Archon, Temple of Apshai, Racing Destruction Set and The Three Stooges. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as me!
Check back soon,
- Rusty
January 26, 2008
I have added Strategic Simulations, Inc's Wargame Construction Set. This is another of those games that I never played - but my brother did. I ended up with the package, and the box and manual were in really good condition so how could I *not* upload it? ;-) If you are/were a fan of SSI or computer wargames in general then be sure to check it out.
In the package was SSI's Summer 1987 brochure. I have uploaded it as well so you can see all the goodies that Strategic Simulations, Inc had to offer twenty years ago. It is pretty cool too.
I also created the Wikipedia article about Wargame Construction Set. It doesn't contain much other than the basics - so if you have the knowledge then please add to it.
Good Luck,
- Rusty
December 31, 2007
I have been extremely busy with work, school and my other web sites over the past few months, but I have managed to get out a few more sets from my beloved Commodore 64 game collection. Here are the newest additions:
Summer Games - The original joystick-buster! I spent many hours playing this game in intense competition with all my Jr. High buddies - one of my all time favorites.
Germany 1985 - I didn't play this one too much, but my older brother loved war games. This is my tribute to him and his fascination with the Cold War.
Archon II: Adept - Not quite as good as the original Archon, but still a unique game with some intense battles!
Skyfox - I really loved the comic book feel on the inside of the package, but the actual game got old really fast ;-)
I have also compiled a page containing some early Epyx brochures. I used to love pouring over these old brochures and trying to decide which game I wanted to get next. Be sure to check out the 1981 brochure that still had "Automated Simulations" on the cover!
Share the Commodore 64 love!
- Rusty
December 28, 2007
So I have finally uploaded the first three sets for All three of these were among my favorite Commodore 64 games when I was growing up during the 1980's.
Telengard was my first computer role playing game. I absolutley loved it! I remember being amazed that a computer game could be like Dungeons & Dragons. I spent many hours playing this one - check out the screen shot of Roksane my level 16 character!
Jumpman has to take the cake as my all time favorite Commodore 64 game. It was totally addictive, and quite frustrating when I would die on certain levels. Still a unique idea, and I still play this one from time to time.
Heart of Africa was the first computer game that I ever played all the way to completion. It was an immersive role playing game that had a great back story. I remember getting a notebook and taking detailed notes of every where I'd been and what everyone told me. It paid off in the end as I finally discovered the tomb - even if all I got was a nice graphical screen with some music!
Hope you enjoy them as much as I did,
- Rusty
September 9, 2007
Welcome to! This is my own personal project to preserve my Commodore 64 collection in digital format and share it with the world.
Several years ago I realized that I had many vintage Commodore 64 software sets. My first thought was of eBay and how much I could get for them. I did a little bit of research, and even took pictures of my collection in anticipation of selling them. But going back through the software of my youth showed me that I just couldn't do it, I was too much of a softie.
So I started looking into ways to preserve my collection instead. I purchased a scanner, bought an XE1541 cable, downloaded VICE and started down the long road to documenting software sets that are quickly disappearing from society.
Somewhere along the way I learned HTML and realized that if I built a web site I could share my precious collection with the world. I was elated! Anyway, to make a long story short, here I am - launching the site now and hoping that it will help some people and provide a nice nostalgic trip for others.
- Rusty
August 18, 2007