Commodore 64 Boxed Sets

Recent Updates (for February 2025)

February 27, 2025

Hello everybody! I have been busy making a bunch of smaller changes to the website this past month. Here is a list of what has happened:

  • News RSS Feed: I have fixed the dates for the News RSS feed, and removed the Feedburner version of the feed. If you would like to be automatically notified whenever I add a news item then please sign up for the feed by using the icon at the top of the News page!
  • Links: I cleaned up and added some new items to the links page.
  • Image Problems: I have fixed a problem where some thumbnail images wouldn't always load because of "too many requests" errors. Apparently my web hosting provider will only allow so many image requests in a certain amount of time, so I got around that by slowing down the image requests on some pages. It's not a perfect solution, but it is better than not being able to see some images. Please let me know if you experience any image loading problems.
  • Missing PDFs: When I updated the site during the past year (to make it more responsive) I accidentally removed code that would allow you to download PDF manuals for some sets. Whoops! I have restored that functionality now.
  • Might and Magic Images: One of our awesome users, Bill C., cleaned up the Might and Magic images and sent me the new versions. They look great - and I have replaced the old images with the new ones. He also created a PDF file for the manual. Be sure to take a look!

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